Depending on the age of the participants, they will enjoy a stay that meets your needs and motivations. Depending on planned activities, the campers are grouped differently.
For English classes, from the start of camp, students are separated by ages and levels of English, for which previously they have to complete a placement test and then personal interviews with native monitors.
For other activities that present some difficulty, the children are grouped according to age and experience with students, such as horses or activities including multi-sport.
For other activities they are divided into the camp at the following ages, taking into account their specific needs:
Little-Crocland (6-8 years)
For many of these children it is the first time that English will be listened to, 24 hours a day and something more important, possibly the first time separated from their families.
Therefore, children will receive special attention, emphasising that enjoy the stay and interact with peers, with fun and exciting activities.
Junior-Crocland (9-12 years)
One more step to get into the English language, where it becomes the only language,is an exclusive atmosphere for children of this age, in a natural environment, with lots of entertainment, sports and entertainment activities for all children of these ages.
It is such a fun and the pace of everyday life is so quick that this makes speaking English almost unconsciously easy for the children.
Young-Crocland (13-16 years)
It starts for them, preteens, one of the most difficult stages in life, with more uncertainty, tastes and motivations are subject to constant change.
However they will be role models for the younger children and have lots of opportunities to keep learning and growing their vocabulary and fluency with native monitors.
To register for summer camp 2016 in Segovia, you must complete an application for each student and send it directly online or scanned print and mail or deliver it to or by hand. Location: Office in Boadilla del Monte, Street Salvador Dali, 12, by appointment only.
For any enquiries please contact us by phone 630 011 288 .Also, our team will kindly help you to complete the registration.
If you prefer to register in person, you can download here download-enrollment registration form.